All articles by David Learmount – Page 29
GA pilots get advice on piston operations in ash
Volcanic ash engine damage is less of a risk in piston engines than turbines, because the combustion air is normally filtered, according to the UK Civil...
ASH CLOUD VIDEO: David Learmount analyses the volcanic dilemma
The volcanic ash cloud over Europe has caused an aviation upset on a scale never seen before. David Learmount looks at the issues involved
CASE STUDY: When volcanic ash brought down a 747
It was on 24 June 1982 that the world learned, in dramatic fashion, precisely what kind of damage tropopausal volcanic ash can do to an aircraft.
Simulation innovator buys independence from CAE
Sabena Flight Academy - Development has bought 33% of its shares back from Canadian simulator giant CAE, which had acquired them in June 2008 as part of...
ASH CLOUD: Grounded airline fears ash damage from quick return to flight
At least one airline grounded in the European areas affected by the volcanic ash cloud is worried that it might be pressured to fly again before the risk...
Deadline looms for business aviation emissions trading crunch
Europe-based business aviation operators, looking at compulsory inclusion in the emissions trading scheme in 2012, are facing the possible elimination of an administratively simplified ETS system designed for small emitters.
UK CAA prepares to outsource instrument procedure design
The UK Civil Aviation Authority has started handing over instrument flight procedure design to the private sector and expects this to be complete within...
Australian appeal court awards big compensation in toxic cabin air case
Substantial damages have been awarded to an Australian airline cabin attendant for respiratory illness attributed to toxic fumes in cabin air - the first time a law court anywhere has called an airline to account for health damage caused by contaminated cabin air.
Almost all regional pilots are seriously fatigued
An extensive survey of regional airline pilots, mostly in the USA but also in many other countries, has revealed that more than 96% regularly fly in a fatigued...
Training: jobs for tomorrow
Professional pilot skills are expensive to gain and, for the foreseeable future, expenditure on pilot training will remain essential to the functioning...
AF447 opens pandora's box at ICAO high level safety conference
The 29 March-1 April International Civil Aviation Organisation high-level safety conference in Montreal ...
The fatal results of fatigue
Fatigue resulting from insufficient rest and a long duty day was a contributory cause of the 19 October 2004 fatal commuter aircraft crash at Kirksville,...
How the fatigue survey was carried out
Alertness and Performance Management, which designed the survey, analysed 1,359 responses from regional airline pilots. The online questionnaire was publicised...
Maintenance oversight grounds Air France premium A319s
Air France has admitted temporarily grounding seven of its premium service Airbus A319ERs after realising wheel-brake systems had exceeded the number of...
GPS spoofing by terrorists could 'take aviation by surprise'
A subtle form of navigation signal jamming, in the hands of terrorists or criminals, could affect GPS satellite navigation in a way that could disrupt all...
FSF calls for regional air accident investigation boards but rejects proposed European model
The Flight Safety Foundation and the European Regions Airline Association are supporting the creation of regional multinational, independent air accident...
Runway safety incidents may be responding to treatment
In the third year since it launched its runway safety initiative, Flight Safety Foundation runway safety results appear to have improved for 2009.
Boeing study finds that all airlines win with fatigue risk management
Airlines would do well to operate their crew rosters according to a well-constructed fatigue risk management system, because it beats reliance on flight...
Helios crash recommendations drive EASA action
Recommendations by the Greek Air Accident Investigation and Aviation Safety Board resulting from its report into the August 2005 crash of a Helios Airways Boeing 737-300 have been taken up by the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Toxic cabin air accepted as reality, but illness still denied
After years of denying there is a health problem for crew and passengers from toxic cabin fumes, UK and US authorities are seemingly poised for a dramatic change