All articles by David Learmount – Page 32
NBAA 09: There will be up to five A380 business jets, says Lufthansa Technik
The A380 is the business, says Lufthansa Technik Lufthansa Technik VIP and Executive Jet Solutions says it believes there will be a market for between...
NBAA 09: Helping buyers find the right aircraft
A quicker way for buyers to identify the right aircraft for them in the marketplace has been honed to perfection by Aircraft Shopper Online. ASO's new advanced...
NBAA: Checking out helicopter operator safety standards
Helicopter operations make up a significant proportion of business aviation activity, but there has been no independent industry risk profile prepared for...
NBAA 09: Business aircraft buyers' priorities shift
Environmental compliance, plus efficiency of design and operation, are going to be driving forces in the business aviation industry in a way not foreseen at the NBAA convention even a year ago, predicts the General Aviation Manufacturers Association president and chief executive operator Pete Bunce
Canadian pilots gather fatigue data
The Air Canada Pilots Association (ACPA) says it is going to track incidents related to pilot fatigue in the carrier's mainline fleet, with a view to improving...
NBAA 09: Business aviation safety: In a rush
Stricter corporate flying regulations are on the way. Will the changes improve business aviation safety?
EASA says pilot fatigue worries will be addressed
Europe's pilots are unnecessarily concerned about the future of flight time limitations legislation, according to the European Aviation Safety Agency. Pilot...
Helicopter safety appears to be responding to treatment
After more than 20 years of stagnation, global helicopter safety performance is showing signs of improvement. Figures released at the third International...
Computers can't replace pilots - yet, say experts
Aviation safety academics say the term "pilot error" is greatly over-used. Accident chronicles may record human error, they say, but the many occasions when...
BAE teams with Quest on system to detoxify cabin air
UK-based Quest International and BAE Systems have jointly launched a revolutionary cabin air treatment system that promises both to sterilise recirculated...
EASA operations priorities
EASA says it makes sense in terms of resources to prioritise the agency's rulemaking activity. The order in which it plans to release its opinions, which...
EASA bends to industry pressure for evolutionary change
Major concessions following consultation about proposed new European aviation regulations will mean that the new laws governing operations will prove less...
It's safer to talk
Two recent incidents involving post-maintenance check flights have highlighted serious concerns about non-revenue operations
Oil support helicopter mulilateration surveillance system launched
SURVEILLANCE david learmount london
UK CAA guidance on communication between MROs and operators
Since the EasyJet check flight incident, the UK Civil Aviation Authority has issued a flight operations communication clarifying in detail what it expects...
Flybe wins UK government cash for skills training
Flybe has become the first airline to win a substantial UK government grant for training its own and third-party pilots, engineers and cabin crew. The...
North Sea helicopters first to be tracked by offshore multilateration
Surveillance of oil support helicopter operations using multilateration instead of radar has been launched over the North Sea. Multilateration is not...
Airbus faces demands for A320 series electrical systems improvement following EasyJet report
The final report on a serious in-flight electrical system failure in an Airbus A319 contains 14 recommendations for changes to equipment, engineering procedure...
Statistics prove that airline pilot training is not good enough
Human factors still take much of the blame for most aircraft accidents. Is this because of a failure in pilot training? And if so, can it be rectified?