All articles by David Learmount – Page 45
Accidents/incidents for 2007
Fatal events involving illegal interference with the safety of aircraft 23 MarchTransaviaexportIlyushin Il-76 (EW-78849)Mogadishu, Somalia1111TO The...
EC sets out Single European Sky 'second package'
A "second package" of proposed legislation to reinforce and accelerate the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) will be presented by the second...
GA pilots in USA becoming safer, says AOPA
US general aviation is getting safer, but pilot decision-making is still the single most common cause of most accidents, according to the...
Fatal airline accidents hit an all-time low in 2007
Global figures for commercial aviation crashes in 2007 show an all-time low of 23 fatal accidents, and even the number of fatal casualties, at 597, was well...
Foreign aircraft inspections to increase in Europe
The UK is to dramatically increase the number of ramp checks it makes on foreign aircraft - to 600 in 2008 and 1,000 by 2009, compared with just 193 in 2006....
2008 forecast: Safety standards in a minority of states will remain low
Safety and Security Waiting for change As far as safety is concerned, the worst offending states and airlines show no sign of improving, at least...
2007 hull loss accident rate suggests first rise since 1998
This year's global hull loss accident rate to the end of the third quarter - if projected to 31 December - would show the first rise in the annual serious...
Comment - Air France A340 Toronto overrun: making life or death decisions
The much-anticipated report on the Air France A340 Toronto overrun says it is time to stop talking about the perennial problem of bad weather approaches and do something
New-technology aircraft to reduce average fuel consumption
The introduction of an estimated 7,000 latest-technology aircraft into the world airline fleet over the next decade should reduce the average fuel consumption...
Carriers face censure despite IOSA audits
Despite increasing worldwide use of the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA), which has been adopted as an official quality-control tool by many national...
Criminalisation of pilots after accidents is on the increase
During the last 30 years there has been an accelerating trend toward criminal prosecution of pilots or other aviation professionals like air traffic controllers...
Comment - strangling the truth
Pilots should beware indulging in honesty if they survive an accident. The world is increasingly populated by police and politicians looking for opportunities to prove their own effectiveness
Call for airlines to share data about on-board medical incidents
An expert in telemedicine is calling for airlines to share data on in-flight medical emergencies so on-board provision of equipment and medication can be...
Eurocontrol publishes world’s first standards for operating UAVs in civil airspace
Eurocontrol has published its required standards for operating military unmanned air vehicles in civil airspace. On 3 December the organisation released...
European specifications for military UAVs in civil airspace
The most basic of the European unmanned air vehicle specifications is: "For ATM purposes, where it becomes necessary to categorise UAV operations, this should...
Industry backs third runway for London Heathrow as consultation opens
Senior industry leaders have gone public with their backing for a third runway at London Heathrow as the UK government...