Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) says its new air-launched ballistic missile offers excellent stand-off capabilities against high-value targets.

The Air Lora long-range, air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) is simple to operate and does not require changes to a fighter aircraft’s avionics suite, says IAI.


Source: Israel Aerospace Industries

IAI says the Air Lora ALBM can be used from both fighter and bomber aircraft

The weapon has been test fired from a Lockheed Martin F-16, with the company issuing a photo of the type carrying an Air Lora under each wing.

Without giving specifics, the company says that the weapon can strike targets from “deep stand-off ranges within a few minutes”, allowing it to hit time-critical targets with minimal collateral damage.

IAI proposes that the weapon, which hits targets from a 90° angle, is effective against targets such as command centres, air bases, and naval vessels in littoral environments. Air Lora can be launched from both fighters and bombers.

IAI indicates that Air Lora features multiple warhead types and has “strong” resilience against jamming.

The weapon can be integrated into the launch aircraft either as a stand-alone system or incorporated into the aircraft’s avionics system.


Source: Israel Aerospace Industries

ALBMs are optimised for striking high-value, time-sensitive targets

“We are very excited to introduce the Air Lora, which opens new frontiers and capabilities for our customers and improves the attack and defence capabilities for countries, with minimal risk to pilots and platforms,” says IAI executive Jacob Galifat.

“Air Lora offers air forces the ability to surprise the enemy in its deep land with massive and [Global Navigation Satellite System] anti-jam protected accurate strike capabilities.”

Other examples of ALBMs are Russia’s Kh-47M2 Kinzhal, launched from the RAC MiG-35, and China’s DF-21, launched from the Xian H-6.

ALBMs are seen as offering several advantages over ground-launched ballistic missiles. These include far greater flexibility in launch locations, better survivability for the launch aircraft through extended ranges, and the ability to re-target the weapon before launch.