CAE Defense & Security USA will supply the Indian navy with two new training devices to support its fleet of Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopters.

Valued at $57 million, the deal covers a tactical operational flight trainer (TOFT) and an avionics maintenance and weapons load trainer, the company says.

CAE describes the TOFT as “connecting a full-motion operational flight trainer for pilot training with a weapons tactics trainer to train rear-crew sensor operators and airborne tactics officers”. Those systems can be “operated as standalone training devices or as a networked training environment”, it adds.

MH-60R India

Source: Indian Ministry of Defence

India’s maritime MH-60R fleet will eventually total 24 examples

India’s equipment will feature customer-specific modifications including an identification friend or foe interrogator and transponder, traffic collision avoidance system, and the ability to deliver instruction in the use of anti-ship missiles and depth charges.

India formally inducted the MH-60R into squadron service in March 2024, with six aircraft assigned to its Naval Air Squadron 334 at INS Garuda in Kerala state.

Its navy employs the type for duties including anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, plus utility tasks. Its eventual fleet size will total 24 examples.