Polish defence minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz has signed an agreement with the USA to acquire Lockheed Martin AGM-158B-2 JASSM-ER cruise missiles.

Announced on 28 May, the Foreign Military Sales deal is valued at approximately $735 million, with deliveries to take place between 2026 and 2030.

Polish F-16 with JASSM

Source: Polish Ministry of National Defence

Polish air force F-16s already operate with the baseline JASSM weapon

“This is strategic equipment for the Polish air force that changes our position and our capabilities in the airspace, deterrence and defence,” Kosiniak-Kamysz says.

The purchase results from the need to increase the number of standoff-range weapons in the Polish air force inventory, based on lessons learned from the war in Ukraine.

In March 2024, the US Department of State approved a Polish request to purchase up to 821 JASSM-ERs, plus related logistics and programme support, for an estimated cost of $1.77 billion.

Warsaw’s finalised contract sum suggests that it will acquire around 300-350 of the weapons, but the conclusion of further agreements cannot be ruled out in the near future.

Poland has also previously purchased the baseline AGM-158 for carriage by its Lockheed F-16C/Ds, with around 110 of the weapons believed to have been acquired. Its new extended-range missiles will be integrated with the same type, plus its incoming Lockheed F-35As.