A computer modelling system that offers architects a complete electromagnetic impact analysis of the effect of new buildings on radar has been unveiled at the show.
It's the creation of the UK's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). "This system can help architects to minimise any adverse effects on radar systems at the design stage," says DERA business development manager Ian Locker. "It can also be applied to existing buildings so that improvements can be made."
The system is expected to see regular use in the neighbourhood of airports.
"We can analyse buildings and consider their reflection and absorption of radar, radio-frequency communications and energy from navigation equipment," says Locker. "This software can model anything from a hangar door to a complete airport."
DERA worked with British Airways on designs for the BA World Cargo Centre at Heathrow, advising the use of stealth technologies to reduce potentially disruptive reflections from the enormous warehouse. The architects were also helped to optimise the building¹s shape. DERA is currently offering similar help with the design of the new BT building at Gatwick.
Source: Flight Daily News