Construction of São Paulo’s first bespoke business aviation airport will begin within days as developers strive to complete key elements of the building project before the anticipated influx of business aircraft for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

The private airport – dubbed Novo Aeroporto Executive – is being built on 700ha (1,730 acres) of land reclaimed from a defunct paper mill about 60km (38 miles) from central São Paulo. 

Peter Farmer, director of transport for UK architects 3DReid, appointed to design and draw up the airport masterplan, says: “The World Cup begins in June 2014 so we have less than 22 months to complete the first phase of development – including building a VIP terminal, air traffic control tower, runway and apron – so we are ready to support the expected influx of aircraft.”

The project – a joint venture between São Paulo-based business aviation services provider CFly Aviation and Brazilian property developer JSHF – is in response to the growing demand for dedicated business aviation facilities in the region. “There are a number of airports in São Paulo that cater for business aircraft. However, if you want to fly non-stop to a long-haul destination you have to operate from the city’s very busy commercial hubs, Conghonas and Guarulhos [as their runways are long enough],” Farmer says. Novo Aeroporto Executive’s 2,800m (9,200ft) runway will be able to accommodate all business aircraft flights, he says, adding that, together with a planned second runway, “the new airport should help to support the anticipated growth in business aviation within Brazil over the next ten years”.

Brazil’s business aviation association ABAG states that the nation’s general aviation fleet grew by 6.4% between 2010 and 2011 to more than 13,000 aircraft, including a 15% leap in the number of business jets to more than 700.

Source: Flight International