Diamond Aircraft's search to replace the diesel powerplant supplied by insolvent Thielert has led to a new DA42, the L360, powered by twin Lycoming IO 360 fuel-injected avgas engines. Supplemental type certificate and first delivery are on track for the first quarter of 2009.

"We actually built prototypes five years ago, but we abandoned them because the demand was for the diesel-powered aeroplanes," says president Peter Maurer, speaking at the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association exhibition in San Jose, California. Owners will be able to one day convert this DA42 to run on diesel engines, he says, like the AE300 from Diamond affiliate Austro Engines. "This aircraft was designed for maximum flexibility," he says.

Diamond DA42 
 © Diamond Aircraft

Maurer says plans to have the AE300 ready by year's end are likely to change to early 2009.

The DA42 L360's $599,500 price includes Honeywell KAP 140 autopilot and Garmin G1000 avionics. The new model, which made its debut at the AOPA Expo in San Jose, California, has redesigned cowlings to reduce drag and an enlarged canopy. The engine provides a 30% horsepower boost over its diesel predecessor.

Maurer says reliability is another factor in the new engine choice. "In all of the Lycoming-powered DA40s we've delivered, we've never had an in-flight shutdown."

Source: Flight International