Airbus Corporate Jet Centre (ACJC) is developing a VIP kit that will be installed in an A320 for a Middle East customer, giving the aircraft a dual-role capability to transport either VIPs or passengers.

"This kit allows conversion of the forward A320 passenger area into a VIP section, giving the customer the flexibility to make even wider use of its aircraft," says Benoit Defforge, Airbus Corporate Jet Centre chief executive.

The kit includes two double-VIP seats and two Club-Four VIP seats, with Hi/Lo tables. To complement this VIP configuration and bring a warmer ambiance and greater privacy, the forward area also features high-quality leather upholstery, woollen carpets and elegant curtains.

ACJC will deliver the VIP kit in the second quarter of 2010, and will install provisions for subsequent installation of the kit later that year in a second A320.

Source: Flight Daily News