Two days into the Dubai air show and Airbus has broken its own record for the most aircraft sales in a year. By yesterday afternoon, it had hit 1,122 aircraft sold this year, beating the record it set last year of 1,111.

“We are in mid November and we were pushing 1,020 before Dubai so it’s going to be a record with the orders we have announced here,” says John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer, customers.

By adding in orders announced on day one, Airbus hit the figure of 1,122. That did not take into account additional order announcements scheduled to be made later in the day. Leahy said that the Airbus market research team was urgently reassessing the forecast for aircraft demand coming from the Middle East.

“We think we have underestimated this dramatically and so we are taking another look at it,” he said. The first two days of Dubai air show saw Airbus alone take orders for 190 orders from Middle East carriers, plus a further 50 options.

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Source: Flight Daily News
