DUNCAN AVIATION IS guaranteeing customers a reduced turnaround time for the maintenance, refurbishment, or painting of light- and medium-sized business-jets. Lincoln, Nebraska-based Duncan's new PowerTurn programme specifies penalties if the company fails to redeliver the aircraft by the guaranteed date.
"[Corporate] flight departments are increasingly expected to maximise the utilisation on their fleets, and reducing maintenance turntime can help meet that objective," says president P J Morgan. Customers are increasingly examining turn-around time, together with price and quality in evaluating bids Duncan says, adding that, "we have had customers offer to pay for shorter turn-time".
Re-engineering the workflow to make maximum use of simultaneous procedures has allowed Duncan to reduce turnaround times by 20% or more. A Learjet 35 interior refurbishment has been completed in less than one week, a 50% reduction in turnaround time, the company says. Duncan is now offering to complete the refurbishment of a typical medium-jet interior in 4.5 business days, compared with the standard 9.5 days.
Source: Flight International