EADS is to invest $200,000 a year to be a leading member of the Singapore Agency for Science Technology and Research's (ASTAR) national aerospace programme, with a focus on projects investigating electronics, modelling and simulation, and maintainability.

In return for its investment, EADS becomes a Tier 1 member in the programme, with access to non-exclusive, royalty-free technology licences. ASTAR will own all intellectual property resulting from the research. Tier 2 and 3 members receive non-exclusive, royalty-bearing licences.

"Discussions are ongoing on several projects in the fields of secure communications and cryptography aerodynamic flow control high-performance computing for simulation and fluid dynamics electronics and wireless communication between sensors," says EADS Singapore Research and Technology Centre chief operating officer Ulrich Schnaut.

ASTAR members vote on which projects to research, with Tier 1 members getting one vote each Tier 2, one vote for every three members and Tier 3, one vote for every six members. ASTAR itself has a casting vote.

Smiths Aerospace has partnered Indian engineering and information technology company HCL Technologies to open an Indian development centre that will work on Smiths' Boeing 737 flight management system and Boeing 787 avionics common core system programmes. The centre will carry out software test and verification, with additional work in tool development, embedded programs, hardware design and test equipment.

Source: Flight International