As the Farnborough International celebrates its 60th anniversary this summer, (July 14-20, 2008) the airshow is on schedule to be the biggest event ever in its history in terms of exhibition space and exhibitor presence.

Exhibition sales have been at record levels, with applications up on the previous show, and the final figure for is almost 20% higher than in 2006. The total number of exhibitors is expected to be more than 1,500 - a 5% increase on last show. Chalet usage is at an absolute maximum with all units sold.

And business aviation will be specially represented with its own special area. “We listened to the business aviation companies and responded,” said Amanda Stainer, the show’s director who is visiting EBACE today. “Business aviation companies have their own chalet area next to permanent hard standing pads for the aircraft and will be able to make customer demo flights.”

The business aviation park will be open for the first three days of the show only.

Flight's ACAS Business Aviation

Flight's 2008 pocket guide to business aircraft

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Source: Flight Daily News