Newquay Cornwall Airport says it is becoming the hub for business aviation in southwest England, with movements increasing by 11% over the past year.

“Business aviation traffic continues to increase into Cornwall and in 2007 business jet movements were up to a total of 903 aircraft.  In 2008 we expect to increase up to the 1,000 a year mark,” says Nick Weston, executive managing director of the airport’s FBO provider, Midwest.

“Because of the airport’s westerly and coastal position and its long runway it is increasingly popular as a technical stop for transatlantic flights,” he says.

Cornwall is a popular UK tourist destination, and the increase in flights will also help the local economy. “The region is perfect for business investment and relocation owing to its excellent business aviation and scheduled links to major cities and Europe,” says Weston. “As the airport prepares for its full transition from December 1, 2008 from an operational military airfield to a fully civilian airport, this offers a prime opportunity to develop business aviation further with plans for a new dedicated Business Aviation Centre and ramp.”

Newquay airport

Newquay, also known as RAF St Mawgan, can accommodate a range of jets from the new VLJs beginning to enter service in Europe to heavier jets such as the Airbus ACJ/A319, Boeing BBJ, Embraer Legacy and Bombardier Challenge Series, all of which use the airport regularly.

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Source: Flight Daily News