Complimentary coffee and croissants will be served tomorrow morning outside the opening General Session in Hall 5 from 08h30 before the opening General Session.
09h00: General Session. Business Aviation – Europe’s Engine for Growth the session will be moderated by: Eric Mandemaker, EBAA and Ed Bolen, NBAA Guest speakers include Daniel Calleja, from the European Commission, and Claude Nicollier, Astronaut.
In Europe, business aviation represents 8% of the European air transport, and it is growing steadily at more than 10% per year. This growth, combined with fast changes in technological, economic and regulatory aspects of our industry, will have a strong impact in the implementation of business aviation operations.
There are also seminar sessions in the afternoon at Hall 7, Meeting Room 1:
14h00-15h00: Business Aviation and the Environment − Setting the Standard? Moderated by Brian Humphries, EBAA. As the carbon footprint of all modes of transport is increasingly recognized, business aviation is working toward doing more than its fair share to reduce its contribution. This session will address possible options and their implications.
15h30-16h30: The Single European Sky and SESAR, including the ATM concept of operations and the technological changes it will require.
Moderated by: Pedro Vicente Azua, EBAA. Speakers include Bernard Miailler, Eurocontrol; Serge Lebourg, Dassault Aviation; David Marsh, Eurocontrol; and Miroslav Matousek, Honeywell. Eurocontrol will also present its 2007 report on business aviation.
Flight's ACAS Buisness Aviation
Flight's 2008 pocket guide to business aircraft
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Source: Flight Daily News