Bombardier, the NBAA and the European Business Aviation Association today briefed 100 pilots and aviation professionals on the latest and greatest developments in corporate aviation safety as part of the third annual safety standdown held here at EBACE.

New topics for the one-day exercise, a compressed version of the three-day course Bombardier has held at its Wichita facilities since 1996, included a module on crew resource management presented by aerospace analyst and authorJohn Nance.

Nance, who has written 19 books, often relying on his 13,000 flight hours as an airline and US Air Force pilot, is a regular aviation analyst on ABC World News and Good Morning America.

Safety Standdown
 © Billypix

Attendees also received briefings on advanced aerodynamics, fatigue counter measures and professional airmanship from the likes of human factors expert, Tony Kern; former NASA Fatigue Countermeasures programme manager Mark Rosekind, and National Test Pilot School director Sean Roberts.

It is unclear whether the programme here will grow in length to be similar to the Wichita standdown, which generally draws about 600 attendees who learn the theoretical and practical angles of safety, including ditching practice and CPR.

Source: Flight Daily News