Geneva offers a lot more than just the picturesque lake and a box of chocolates. There are many museums and heritage sites to be seen and visitors to EBACE should make the most of this great city and get to see some of the finer sights. Marcelle Nethersole picks her favourite spots.

Cathedrale St Pierre
Cathédrale St. Pierre

6 cour Saint-Pierre

Open: 10:00-17:00 daily (closed today)

A mixture of Romanesque and Gothic design, this beautiful cathedral sitting on the top of a hill is one of Geneva's landmarks. Built by Catholics in 1160, it is where John Calvin established the Reformed Church. By 1536 it became a protestant church with any ounce of Catholicism being destroyed.

There is plenty to see in the cathedral, which is built on the remains of occupation going back to around 350AD. Archaeologists are constantly working on the grounds, where they have exposed more rooms and beautiful mosaic flooring. An audio-guide is available to tell you what is what of the ruins. Make sure you remember to see Calvin's chair, which is at the back of the church on the left, as well as the tomb of Duke de Rohan, who headed the Reform Church during the reigns of Henri IV and Louis XIII.

You should also visit the Chapelle des Macchabees, which has been a place of worship since 1878 and still has the lavish decor from that time.

For fabulous views of Geneva climb the 157 steps of the North Tower and be up there to hear the hourly bell tower recital, which has been ringing over the city since the mid-1700s.

To learn about more about the Reformation take time to visit The International Museum of the Reformation (Maison Mallet Rue du Cloître 4), which retraces the history of the Reformation movement initiated by John Calvin, through objects, books, manuscripts, paintings, engravings and state-of-the-art audio-visuals.


Ariana Museum Geneva
Ariana Museum (Swiss Museum of Ceramics and Glass)

Avenue de la Paix 10

Tel: (22) 418 54 50

Open: 10:00-17:00 daily (closed Tuesday)

This museum contains prestigious collections of ceramics and glass of the City of Geneva. It is the only museum in Switzerland devoted entirely to kilncraft, and with over 20,000 objects is among the most important in Europe. The collections illustrate seven centuries of ceramics and glass.

Musée International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge

17 avenue de la Paix

Tel: (22) 748 95 25

Open: 10:00-17:00 daily (closed Tuesday)

Thought to be one of Europe's most popular museums, it is housed within the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Geneva businessman Henri Dunant founded the Red Cross in 1863 after witnessing the Battle of Solférino in 1859 between French and Austrian forces. Today the museum chronicles in detail, through film and 11 permanent exhibit areas, the history of modern conflict, and the role the Red Cross played in providing aid to combats and civilians involved in war, and natural disasters such as mine fields.

Maison Tavel 
 © Geneva Maison du Tourism
Tavel House

Rue due Puits-St-Pierre 6

Tel: (22) 418 37 00

Open: 10:00-17:00 daily (closed Monday)

Geneva's oldest private house took 18 years to build. It contains artefacts from Geneva's past and shows day to day living through the worst of days.

Situated in the old town, the museum gives a good account of Geneva's life and times between the 14th and 19th centuries. The attic contains a scale model of pre-1850s Geneva, when walls still surrounded the city, and the basement displays medieval graffiti.


Source: Flight Daily News