European Commission regulators have formally put forward proposals extending the remit of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to cover major operational issues.
The proposal deals with the extension of EASA’s tasks to cover rulemaking and control in the field of air operations, qualifications and pilot licences. It also outlines the EC’s intent to bring the whole scope of aviation safety under one roof by the end of decade.
Formed in 2002, EASA’s current tasks include the certification of the airworthiness and environmental performance of aeronautical products.
Under the proposed extension of its remit, EASA will be competent over pilots’ licences to ensure they comply with common European rules on knowledge, skills and language proficiency. EASA will work with national authorities which will continue to issue licences and conduct inspections of training organisations and medical centres.
The legislation also contains the “essential requirements” that aircraft must observe when operating in the European Union. EASA will further develop more detailed rules that will be adopted as EC regulations. These rules will be based on the existing JAA rules
“By incorporating such rules into EU legislation they will be uniformly applied in the whole EU territory and have the force of law,” the EC says. National authorities will continue to issue certificates for EU carriers.
EASA will also take responsibility for certifying compliance with these essential requirements of third country carriers operating in the EU.
The EC also announced its plan to further extend EASA functions to safety and interoperability of air navigation services, air traffic management and airports.
“The objective is to have, by 2010, the whole field of aviation safety under the scope of a single organisation,” says the EC.

Source: Flight Daily News