The European Commission is threatening to take legal action against member states that in its view do not implement passenger rights legislation effectively.

The EC warns that Finland, Latvia and Luxembourg have not given national enforcement bodies the legal authority to impose penalties, as demanded by the passenger rights regulation. It also suggests the airline industry may have indirect influence over enforcement bodies in Finland and the UK.

"Although there is no doubt that air passengers enjoy better protection today, we must make sure that airlines and member states comply with their obligations," says transport commissioner Jacques Barrot.

The EC says airlines often do not inform their passengers of their rights, although they are obliged to do so. Over the next six months the EC says it will work with enforcement bodies and airlines to achieve better results, and could then take legal action against member states. If this proves unsatisfactory, it will consider amending the legislation. The EC is also "updating" the wording of passenger rights information material.

Source: Airline Business