Ecuadorian carriers Icaro and AeroGal are seeking rights to launch flights to the USA, made possible by the FAA's decision last year to upgrade Ecuador under its safety assessment programme.

Both carriers have filed applications with the US Department of Transportation for foreign operator licenses. Icaro wants to operate charters to Miami or Fort Lauderdale while Aerogal plans scheduled services to Miami and New York.

VIPSA, an affiliate of Brazil's Synergy Group, and TAME, Ecuador's military-owned and operated airline, also said last year they wanted to launch US flights. But they have not yet filed applications with US authorities.

Ecuador was in category 2 under the FAA's international aviation safety assessment programme from 1994 to 2006, which prevented any local carrier from launching new services to the USA. It was upgraded to category 1 last year.

Both Icaro and Aerogal are now looking for longer-range aircraft for their proposed US routes. Both now concentrate on domestic services plus routes to neighbouring Colombia with old narrowbodies. Aerogal recently added three more Boeing 737-200s to its fleet, bringing its total to nine. Icaro is phasing out its fleet of four Fokker F28s in favour of four Boeing 737-200s.

Ecuador has already designated Aerogal for US services. The US route authority now held by LanEcuador may be reviewed after Ecuador's home-grown airlines start their own US flights. Lan-Ecuador is mostly locally owned but is aligned to Chile's LAN.

LanEcuador is now the only Ecuadorian carrier operating flights to the USA

Source: Airline Business