Egyptian authorities have requested that air traffic avoid a waypoint off the northern coast of the Sinai peninsula.

Pan-European air navigation organisation Eurocontrol has notified operators of the request to avoid the PASOS waypoint.

PASOS is an entry point to the Cairo flight information region, from Cypriot airspace, on the G183 and UL550 airway which passes over El Arish and Taba in the east of Sinai.

Eurocontrol has not given a specific reason for the Egyptian request, although it follows the as-yet unexplained 31 October crash of a Russian Airbus A321 in Sinai.

The organisation states that flightplans which include PASOS “will be rejected”.

It has instructed carriers to use two other Cairo FIR entry points – LAKTO and RASDA – which are located to the west of PASOS and enable transit outside of the pensinula.

Eurocontrol says its network management centre is “monitoring the situation”.

Source: Cirium Dashboard