Search teams hunting for the flight recorders from the crashed EgyptAir Airbus A320 in the Mediterranean Sea have detected a possible locator signal.

The Egyptian civil aviation ministry says the signal, from the seabed in the wreckage search zone, is “assumed to be” originating from one of the recorders.

It states that the signal has been detected by the specialist French naval vessel Laplace which was dispatched to the area in the last week of May.

The ship is fitted with long-range acoustic detection equipment.

Neither the flight-data recorder nor the cockpit-voice recorder has yet been located following the 19 May crash of flight MS804 en route to Cairo.

If the signal can be positively identified and the source located, a recovery vessel – the John Lethbridge, from Deep Ocean Search – will participate in the retrieval of the recorders.

Source: Cirium Dashboard