Elisra UAV search and rescue W250Elisra Group of Israel (booth A937) is showing a unique new solution to the problems of combat search-and-rescue communications.
Combining an unmanned air vehicle-mounted datalink with one of the latest personal survival radios, Elisra’s SAR-UAV suite is designed to provide real-time over-the-horizon relay of distress communications from downed aircrew.  

The suite uses a unique ID code and short-burst signals to interrogate the survivor’s radio, extract a GPS location and relay the information via the UAV-mounted datalink to ground headquarters and rescue forces.
In an exercise carried out last year in Sardinia, Italian-built UAVs equipped with the Elisra system quickly detected and pinpointed a survivor on the ground and passed position data to headquarters and airborne helicopters. Location and retrieval of the survivor soon followed.

Source: Flight Daily News