Climate change is becoming a driving force in the long-term planning of the next generation of commercial airliners. So what should be done about greenhouse gas emissions created by airliners? Find out here in our comprehensive guide to the environment.




Emission impossible

There is a general acceptance that global warming is caused by the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere, of which the aviation industry contributes about 2-3%


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Changed climate

Aviation helped create the global village. Now, to many, it is public enemy number one for its contribution to global warming. Can the industry turn back the clock?



Aviation and the Environment: Key Milestones

Click here for our timeline and see the issues unfold from 1969 to date 


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Harnessing aviation emissions: A European approach

Europe's plan to hold aviation accountable for its part in global warming has come up against stiff opposition.



A big climb: IATA sets out its green vision

IATA  used its annual general meeting to debate the industry's effects on the environment and to unveil its strategy to try and reduce this impact


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Green matters: Speaking with one voice

The airline industry is finally waking up to the fact that it needs to speak with one clear voice on the issue of the environment




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