Experts met in Brussels last week to launch a study into the space-based assets needed by the European Union for its defence and security.
A report to be presented to the European Commission by the end of the year will identify the space capabilities needed to support the EU's defence and security policies. It will compare those requirements with existing European space capabilities and make recommendations on bridging any gaps.
The panel of experts on space and security consists of representatives from EU member states, the European Commission, European Space Agency (ESA) and industry.
ESA's involvement follows a framework agreement on co-operation between the EU and ESA which took effect in late last month.
The new EU-ESA high-level space policy group met in Brussels on 4 June for the first time. This consists of EU and ESA member states, of which there are 17 in total including Norway and Switzerland. This group will advise on how to implement the framework agreement, which establishes operational arrangements between the two organisations for co-operation on human spaceflight, launchers, satellite communications and navigation and science and technology.
Source: Flight International