Australia could be a big prospect for the Eurofighter EF2000 early next century, say British Aerospace executives at Paris.

The controversial European multi-role aircraft emerged as a replacement for the country's 71 F/A-18 Hornet fighter bombers and 36 F-111 strike aircraft after the Australians asked British Aerospace to provide information to a special study group.

Mal Grosse, BAe's Head of Eurofighter New Business, says the study is looking at replacing the Hornets but the follow-on to the F-111 is "- clearly intertwined".



It appears the Australians are surprised at the range of the Eurofighter which is comparable with the American-made F-111. This could be crucial in their decision. "They still like the idea of long legs," says Grosse.

International interest in the Eurofighter is growing, with the aircraft winning places in contests in UAE and Norway over the past year.

"We can meet the demand but if Australia, Norway and UAE all come on line at the same time it will be tight," says Grosse. "The (Australian) study will be complete by the end of the year, so we will either be well in or out."

Source: Flight Daily News