The 1997 Flight International World Airline Directory lists airlines involved in scheduled services or those which offer significant charter services. Our selection criterion has been to list operators with one or more aircraft with more than 19 seats. Where justified by significance of service or national-carrier status, airlines operating aircraft with fewer than 19 seats are listed, as are some helicopter companies which operate scheduled passenger services. The listing includes scheduled or charter cargo operators of aircraft of a similar capacity to those satisfying the passenger aircraft criteria.
The directory includes, wherever possible, non-jet commuter and regional operators which meet the inclusion criteria, but is not a complete guide to air-taxi services.
Telephone and facsimile numbers follow the international dialling codes - for example, the UK number +44 (181) 652 3840, shows the country code, area code, and customer number. In-country dialling usually requires a caller to dial 0 to precede the area code, eg: 0181-652 3840.
Abbreviations used in the directory: () indicates name by which the airline is also known or its accepted abbreviation; [] indicates the two character airline designator code; AL: airline; CEO: chief executive officer; CFO: chief financial officer; COO: chief operating officer; DHC Bombardier (de Havilland Canada); DGAC: Direction Général de Aéronautique Civile; FAA: US Federal Aviation Administration; JAA: European Joint Airworthiness Authorities; LBA: German Luftfahrt-Bundesamt; JAR: Joint Aviation Rules; VP: vice-president. In the maintenance listings, "Turboprops" includes Turboshafts and APUs.
Where there has been no response to Flight International's questionnaire, some updated information has been supplied by Airclaims, London, tel: +1 (181) 897 1066; fax +1 (181) 897 0300.
The entries are correct up to and including 1 January, 1997.
Part one
Covering North, Central and South America and the Caribbean,was published in Flight Internationalon 19-25 March
Part two
Covering Europe, including thewhole of the CIS.
Part three
Covering Africa, Asia, Australasia/South Pacific, the Middle East andthe Pacific Rim, will bepublished on 2 - 8 April.
Indexpage 178
Source: Flight International