Virgin Nigeria has appointed Conrad Clifford chief executive. EADS has named Anne-Marie Perus president and chief executive of EADS Sogerma Services. She replaces Michel Freuchet, who takes over as chief of the launcher business line at EADS Space Transportation.
LOT has dismissed chief executive Marek Grabarek and board members Wladyslaw Metelski and Piotr Dubno. Board member Tomasz Kopoczynski replaces Grabarek temporarily. Supervisory board president Piotr Czyzewski and supervisory board member Slawomir Lachowski have also resigned.
Embraer has named Colin Steven vice-president executive aircraft marketing and sales, covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Luiz Carlos Siqueira Aguiar is taking over as executive vice-president defence and government market, following the resignation of Romualdo Monteiro de Barros.
David Turnbull has resigned as chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways and its main shareholder Swire Pacific. Christopher Pratt, chairman of Swire Pacific Offshore, will take over.

Source: Flight International