• The Thai Airways board has extended the term of acting president Somchainuk Engtrakul for another three months, leaving president Kanok Abhiradee without authority until at least 10 February. The extension was agreed “to facilitate company processes on a continual basis”.
  • Roberto Junguito Pombo has become the president of Colombia’s Aerorepublica, replacing Alfonso Avila, who founded the airline 12 years ago. Junguito was formerly planning director for Avianca.
  • SAS Group’s Spanish carrier Spanair has named Lars Nygaard as the airline’s new chief executive, as present head Enrique Melia Soriano moves to lead Madrid-based handling company Newco Airports Services.
  • BWIA West Indies Airways has promoted general manager Nelson Tom Yew to become chief executive, and named a new board of directors. The move comes soon after Trinidad and Tobago’s government agreed to inject $250 million into the carrier.
  • Peter Ingram, the chief financial officer of American Eagle, has been appointed to the same position at Hawaiian Airlines. The Canadian is a product of American’s well-regarded management development programme.

Source: Airline Business
