Extra Flugzeugbau is beginning certification flight testing of the EA-500 single-turboprop business aircraft, aiming for German approval in the first quarter of next year. US certification is expected in the second quarter, and Extra hopes to deliver two to four aircraft to European and US customers in 2004.

Certification work on the EA-500 has resumed after Extra's rescue from receivership in August. The pressurised six-seat aircraft is a re-engined version of the certificated EA-400 piston single, powered by a 450shp (335kW) Rolls-Royce 250-B17 turboprop. Bankruptcy halted production of the EA-400 in January after 26 deliveries, but Extra has six more aircraft in the factory that it plans to complete as EA-500s.

The Dusseldorf-based company has funds to complete certification of the EA-500 and restart production of the Extra 300. More funding will be needed to begin EA-500 production. Kenneth Keith, chief executive of Orlando, Florida-based Extra Aircraft says the company has letters of intent for funding to become available after certification of the EA-500. Extra plans to be producing EA-400/500s at a rate of one a month by the end of next year.

Source: Flight International