FAA has determined that Mexico is not in compliance with ICAO safety standards and has downgraded the country's safety rating from category 1 to category 2.

The agency through it international aviation safety assessment programme ensures civil aviation authorities of countries with carriers operating to or wishing to launch service to the USA meet ICAO standards, not FAA regulations.

"With the IASA Category 2 rating, Mexican air carriers cannot establish new service to the United States, although they are allowed to maintain existing service," says FAA. Countries assigned a category 2 rating either lack laws or regulations necessary to oversee air carriers in accordance with international standards, or that the country's civil aviation authority is deficient in one or more areas including technical expertise, record keeping or inspection procedures.

The agency further explains while Mexico has been responsive to its findings, and has made significant improvements in recent months, it is not able to fully comply with international standards.

FAA does state Mexico continues to make progress, and the agency is committed working with the Mexican government to regain its category 1 rating.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news