Boeing ran Airbus close in the annual air show sales battle, but Airbus was victorious at Farnborough as the companies announced around 190 orders worth almost $19 billion, writes Max Kingsley-Jones.

Airbus's rethink on the A350 hampered its normal show agenda, preventing it from announcing the usual string of major deals, but it still unveiled 114 orders worth over $9.7 billion (at catalogue prices).

Boeing announced 72 orders worth $9.1 billion - the most significant of which was the $2.8 billion deal with Emirates for 10 747-8Fs. Boeing would have secured a clear victory had its biggest prize - the expected confirmation of Qatar Airways' $4.9 billion deal for 20 777s - not evaporated when the airline suddenly cancelled the announcement of the already-signed order, due to circumstances not fully explained.

Airbus's largest deal was a $2.7 billion top-up order from Air Asia for 40 A320s. Libyan airline Air Afriqiyah signed for nine A320 family aircraft and three A330s.

Most regional deals were with the Russian and CIS manufacturers. Lessor Ilyushin Finance signed contracts for 55 turboprops - 25 Antonov An-140-100s from Aviacor, and 30 Ilyushin Il-114s. KrasAir signed for 30 Sukhoi Superjet 100s (previously called the Russian Regional Jet).

Source: Flight International