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A live television service - the first of its kind at a major international air show - is providing eight hours of expert coverage each day at Farnborough.
UK-based REW is bringing together the TV project through its subsidiary, Aerospace Communications, and has set up a studio and editing suite at the air show to broadcast a live service that will be shown on monitors in every hospitality chalet and exhibition hall.
Producer Graeme Bowd says that Farnborough International TV (FITV) should provide a solution to at least one age-old conundrum.
"So many times, you are in a chalet or hall and you can hear an aircraft roaring overhead and wonder "What is that?" Now you should be able to see what is going on outside," says Bowd.
Anchorman for the programme is Rob Curling from the BBC and news editor is Flight International magazine's Graham Warwick.
Each afternoon, FITV will devote two hours of live coverage of the flying display with commentary by Stratton Richey.
A studio has been built for interviews with company chiefs and aviation experts, but Bowd says the sound-proofing might be severely tested.
"We hope we can block out most of the aircraft noise when we are interviewing someone, but it might be difficult to get rid of it all," says Bowd.
Fortunately for FITV, Dassault is not bringing the Mirage fighters - traditionally the noisiest in the display - to Farnborough.
Source: Flight Daily News