Scottish helmet manufacturer Helmet Integrated Systems has launched a search and rescue helmet at the show, where it hopes to win new markets to add to its worldwide customer base.

Called the "wet winch", the new second-generation helmet will enable rescue personnel to have hands-free communications with the aircraft after leaving it to carry out a rescue operation.

The company is also promoting other new technologies such as its specialist noise-reduction headsets, which can be integrated into helmets.

"We target every major helicopter operator, and export to 92 different countries," says Helmet Integrated Systems' business manager for aircrew products Steve Skeggs.

The company, which employs 180 people, hopes to capture new markets at the show besides meeting existing customers.

India, specifically, is a new market that Helmet Integrated Systems hopes to target, says Skeggs.

Among the company's clients are Vancouver-based CHC Helicopter and air medical services in the UK.

Source: Flight Daily News