Formula One fanatics are in for a treat as Shell has transported a full-size Ferrari chassis to exhibit on its stand (E524).

The display is in recognition of Shell's long-standing sponsorship of the Ferrari Formula One team.

"We first exhibited the Ferrari at Dubai two years ago and we were amazed by how popular it was," says Nicola Jedrej, exhibition project manager. "There have been times when people have got over-excited and tried to get in the car to have their pictures taken."

While the chassis on display has never been driven, Ferraris are capable of achieving 0-60mph in just 2.3sec. During a Formula One pitstop, Shell fuel is pumped into the car at 12 litres per second and over the course of one season around 66,000 litres (15,000gal) of Shell race fuel is used by the Ferrari team.

Source: Flight Daily News