CAO's Inside Air Finance will answer the questions every financier is asking:
• Has the market over ordered? • Will Asia take delivery of all of its ordered aircraft? • Can Asian airlines expect the same pricing increase on aircraft financings as their colleagues in Europe and the USA?
Places are limited and will be dealt with strictly on a first come first serviced basis For a full agenda click here Who you will meet:
Inside Air Finance is primarily targeted at airlines, aircraft lessors, aircraft traders, appraisers, asset managers, portfolio managers, banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, lawyers, private equity companies, lenders, manufacturers and all others vested with an interest in the industry.
The venue: The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong
Sponsorship opportunities:
For more information on sponsorship or exhibiting at this and other Commercial Aviation events please contact: Edward MacNaughton Tel +44 20 8652 3829
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