The first European Eclipse 500 will land in Ukraine in early October when its new owner, Evgeniy Chervonenko, governor of the Zaporozhiy region state administration, takes delivery of aircraft serial number 28 from Eclipse secondary market provider, Single-Pilot Jet Management (SPJM), the top reseller of the $1.8 million very light jets. Pete Zaccagnino, an Eclipse 500 Mentor Pilot with numerous ocean crossings, will deliver the aircraft.

SPJM president Mike Press says the sale highlights growing interest in the Eclipse in Europe -15 of the 30 Eclipse 500 sales made over the past three months for 2008 positions are to European customers. SPJM in total has sold more than 75 pre-owned Eclipse 500 jets and delivery positions to date, says Press.

To better capture the European demand, Press has formed a partnership with Sabena Flight Academy Consulting, a Brussels-based company affiliated with the Sabena Flight Academy airline training company. Press says Sabena will handle sales and service of pre-owned Eclipse 500 jets and delivery positions in Europe and will have its own website linking to SPJM's inventory. Sabena will focus on both eastern and western Europe.

Press says the first factory Eclipse set for a European buyer will be aircraft number 51, which will be delivered to its owner after making a visit to the Dubai air show in mid-November.

Serial number 28 is RVSM capable and has pitot-static system fixes, but Press says it will have to be returned to Eclipse at some point to have its aerodynamic performance modifications and Avio NG integrated avionics installed. Chervonecko also purchased serial number 172 to be delivered in December with AvioNG, international options and aero modifications, says Press.

Eclipse 500
 This Eclipse is Europe bound

Source: Flight International
