KAMAN AEROSPACE will deliver the first K-MAX external-lift helicopter to a European customer in the second quarter of this year. The aircraft, for Helog of Switzerland, was displayed at the Helicopter Association International's Heli-Expo '95 in Las Vegas on 29-31 January, ahead of its first flight.

Five K-MAX had been delivered to US launch customers by the end of 1994 under Kaman's initial lease programme, one each to Scott Paper, Louisiana Pacific and Weyerhauser and two to Erickson Air Crane. Aircraft will be delivered to Canada and Sweden this year.

Operators had accumulated some 850h on the first five aircraft by the end of January. Scott, which is based in Mobile, Alabama, says that logging production has increased by 43% since its K-MAX entered service, replacing a Kaman H-43, with the aircraft lifting an average of 79t/h - 400-900t of wood every day. Erickson has averaged 41.5t/h in uphill logging and 68.6t/h downhill.

Source: Flight International