Following on the heels of an order for its C-390 Millenium tactical transport aircraft, Embraer Defence and Security has announced a further order for six of the company’s A-29 Super Tucano light attack turboprop aircraft.

“We are so glad to announce that we have sold six units of the A-29 Super Tucano to Paraguay,” da Costa Junior said on 23 July. “This is very good news for Embraer.”

Super Tucano Paraguay

Source: Embraer

Paraguay orders six of Embraer’s A-29 Super Tucano light attack turboprop aircraft

“Defense is a pure public good because it provides society with a service that contributes solely and exclusively to the stability of the nation as an essential element for an integrated development of a country,” says Júlio Rubén Fullaondo Céspedes, commander of the Paraguayan Air Force.

”To face emerging threats, we are in the process of modernizing our aerial and detection capabilities, and we intend to be up to the technological standards that allow us to correctly apply the measures established in the Law on Surveillance and Protection of Paraguayan Airspace in a to effectively contribute to the preservation of regional and international peace and security”.

So far, Embraer has orders for 260 of the agile attack aircraft, which has already logged 550,000hs, 60,000 of which have been in combat. Other countries are also interested in the platform, Embraer says.

“Many air forces around the world are looking for this airplane,” da Costa Junionr adds, mentioning that the company is currently in discussions with the government of Portugal as well.

The Brazilian airfamer’s defence unit has had a banner start to this year’s Farnborough air show, while its commerical aircraft division has announced no orders.

“We started good yesterday, good news today, let’s see what happens tomorrow,” da Costa Junior says.