Flightglobal is proud to launch the Webbies - the Flightglobal Aviation Web Awards - this year with three fantastic new categories.
Following the success of the last two year's awards, Flightglobal is giving the entire online aviation community a chance to enter and nominate their favourite websites. From established industry leaders to striving newcomers, we aim to acknowledge and celebrate the best and brightest aviation and aerospace websites and digital activities of the last 12 months.
This year's Webbies feature three entirely new categories (Online Campaign, Launch, and Digital Technology) in order to recognise areas that have seen the most intense innovation and progress in the last 12 months.
A panel of independent expert judges from the industry and key figures in digital development at Reed Business Information will be looking for established industry leaders and enthusiastic newcomers, and everyone in between, to enter the Webbies as well as encouraging them to nominate their own favourites in the six categories.All categories are open to any aviation or aerospace company or individual who can demonstrate excellence and success within their own digital strategy.
Flightglobal, the world's leading aviation/aerospace media website, has always been at the forefront of the industry's digital activity by breaking news online, innovating with social media and mobile platforms, engaging with specialist communities, providing professional data and information content. Flightglobal is pleased to recognise the very best aviation and aerospace websites and digital activities with this year's Webbies and wish you the best of luck.
- Entry/nominations open - 6 December 2010
- Entries/nominations close - 15 January 2011
- Judging period - 17 - 28 January 2011
- Winners announced - Between 1-5 February 2011
Winning entries will receive:
- The Webbies logo to display on their website
- Feature in editorial review of Webbies in Flightglobal and Flight International magazine
- Guaranteed month-long presence on Flightglobal homepage (via Webbies promotion)
- Guaranteed month-long presence on relevant channel homepage on Flightglobal (via Webbies promotion)
- Featured prominently on Editor's Blog
- Links from the Flight e-newsletters
- Last year's winners' features and testimonials in the launch of Webbies 2011
- Opportunity to post 2 minute video profiling their winning site on Flight Blog
Source: FlightGlobal.com