By Graham Dunn in London

Carriers are braced for flight cancellations today amid major disruption stemming from heightened security measures implemented across all UK airports in the light of news of the foiling of an apparent plot to attack aircraft.

A spokesman for London Heathrow Airport, the country’s biggest airport, says check-in remains open, but that the airport is experiencing “severe disruption” and urges people not to travel to the airport unless essential.

“Those passengers who must travel today should be prepared for long delays as a result of these security changes,” the airport operator says. Further details are expected from a BAA press conference updating the situation shortly.

Airlines are similarly warning passengers to expect delays and flight cancellations as a result.

Oneworld carrier British Airways says it is experiencing “severe delays to its operations” today as a result of the current security situation.

“It is likely that some flights will be cancelled during the day. Any customers who do not need to travel today are advised to stay at home,” the carrier says. BA says all passengers choosing not to travel today will be able to refund or rebook their tickets.

The new security measures come after the Metropolitan Police’s anti-terrorist branch and security service revealed it overnight disrupted a major terrorist plot to allegedly blow up aircraft in mid-flight. Several individuals have been arrested in connection with the operation. 

As a result the Department for Transport has implemented additional security measures for all flights at UK airports. 

All cabin baggage is to be processed as hold baggage with the exception only of certain small items, such as travel documents, wallets, keys and essential medicines. 

Passengers are also being advised to carry even these items in a transparent bag. 

There are no changes to hold baggage requirements. But all passengers will be hand-searched, while footwear and all carried items will be screened using X-ray equipment. 

Passengers on flights to the USA will undergo additional checks including secondary screening at the boarding gate. The requirements state that any liquids carried by passengers should be taken. 

“We hope that these measures, which are being kept under review by the Government, will need to be in place for a limited period only. In light of the threat to aviation and the need to respond to it, we are asking the travelling public to be patient and understanding and to co-operate fully with airport security staff and the police.”



To read what the Department for Transport has to say, click here


Source: Flight International