British low-cost airline FlyBe has converted four options for Bombardier's Q400 turboprop airliner into firm orders, confirming the deal at Le Bourget yesterday (Tuesday).

The order is valued at around $100-million and it increases FlyBe's Q400 fleet to 45 aircraft.

Bomabrdier Q400

Speaking at the show, FlyBe chairman Jim French said: "The Bombardier Q400 aircraft has played a huge part in the financial turnaround we have accomplished in the past few years.

"This aircraft has allowed us to significantly reduce our unit costs and help us become one of Europe's premier low-cost, low-fare airlines in a very competitive marketplace. We are making money with the Q400 turboprop."


During the signing ceremony aboard Bombardier's Q400 'demonstrator' at Le Bourget, the Canadian aircraft maker's president, regional aircraft Steven Ridolfi, said: "FlyBe is a showcase for the Bombardier Q400 aircraft's ability to deliver exceptional value to an airline. The aircraft combines exceptionally low operating costs, jet speed and a very comfortable passenger experience."

As well as the deal on the four new aircraft, FlyBe and Bombardier have agreed jointly to promote the Q400 in both the UK and Europe. Yesterday's order brings the total number of Q400s sold to 151 aircraft.


The 400 order was FlyBe's second major deal in as many days.

The airline yesterday announced options and orders for 26 Embraer 195 regional jets worth $870m. These aircraft will replace FlyBe's BAE Systems 146s and Boeing 737s; the airline plans to operate just two types - the Embraer 195 and the Bombardier Q400.

FlyBe's network now has 99 routes, covers 40 airports and is the largest airline flying from the UK cities of Birmingham, Southampton and Exeter - the latter west country location being the airline's HQ.

Source: Flight Daily News