France's DGA procurement agency is in talks with Dassault, MBDA and Thales on a package of future enhancements for the nation's Dassault Rafale fighters. To initially cover the period from 2009-11, the development roadmap includes a new-generation front sector optronics (FSO) suite, an active electronically scanned array radar, new missile warning systems and additional laser-guided weapons.

To offer longer-range detection capabilities, the new FSO system will replace an existing design that is undergoing an obsolescence upgrade as part of the Rafale F3 configuration to be implemented over the next two years. The F3 software standard will also clear the aircraft to carry MBDA's ASMP-A nuclear missile, AM39 Exocet anti-ship missile and Thales Land and Joint Systems' Reco NG reconnaissance pod.

The current FSO design made its combat debut with navy Rafale F2 fighters deployed over Afghanistan earlier this year (Flight International, 13-19 March), and was also used by air force Rafales during a NATO exercise in Norway late last year.

Thales currently produces two FSO units a month for the air force, with the suite providing air-to-air infrared search and track and air-to-surface identification and targeting support modes and also featuring an integrated laser rangefinder.

The replacement would extend sensor range and potentially incorporate a change from long-wave IR spectrum hardware to mid-wave technologies, says Marc Brousse, Thales's optronics programme manager for the Rafale.

Source: Flight International