The head of Gulfstream arrived at the show in record-breaking style onboard the G550 as it collected its fifth city-to-city speed record.

President Bryan Moss was joined by Stan Nelson, chairman of contest and records at the National Aeronautics Association – the accrediting authority for record attempts. The aircraft was piloted by Capt Bill Watters, chief demonstration pilot, for the 13h 47min flight from Savannah, Georgia to Dubai International Airport. Also onboard was Gene Rainville, marketing and sales consultant.

Flying at an average speed of 546.86mph (475kt), the large cabin ultra-long-range business aircraft covered 6,816nm (12,610km) and arrived in Dubai with 3,500lb (1,600kg) of fuel on board.

Once authenticated, this latest city pair record will be added to the four city-to-city speed records set by the aircraft in October. Two months ago the aircraft completed a five-day around the world, 20,120nm journey.

"This record-setting journey is another confirmation that the G550 is everything we expected it would be," said a weary but jubilant Moss.

Source: Flight Daily News