General Electric has launched a modernisation programme to enable the engines on the Bombardier Challenger 601 to be maintained like those on the Challenger 604/605.
The programme allows operators of GE’s CF34-1A/3A/3A2 engines to upgrade from a “hard-time” maintenance schedule to “on-condition” – freeing them from scheduled hot section inspections and overhauls.

“Transitioning from a ‘hard-time’ to an ‘on-condition’ engine maintenance plan provides many benefits, including extended time-on-wing, increased aircraft resale value and lower overall cost of operation," says Bill Hoernschemeyer, general manager of corporate aviation sales.

“The modernisation will allow operators to enrol in our OnPointSM Rate Per Hour services plan at a rate per hour up to 60% lower than the current hard time rate."
The programme will retrofit the hot section of CF34-1A/3A/3A2 to the airline-proven CF34-3A1 hot section.

Source: Flight Daily News