Germany is likely to proceed with a purchase of General Atomics' MQ-9 Predator B unmanned air vehicles, according to the head of the German parliament's economic and co-operation subcommittee Alexander Bonde.

Bonde, who also sits on the parliament's defence, homeland security and foreign affairs committee, says: "The German air force has for a considerable time now been looking very longingly at the Predator B as a reconnaissance drone. While the [defence] ministry has not yet finally made a decision on this procurement, I would be very surprised if the air force would not ultimately be able to see their wish fulfilled."

Bonde says Germany's order for a five aircraft fleet of Eurohawk-configured Northrop Grumman RQ-4B endurance UAVs last January sets a precedent for political approvals for a Predator B deal.

"While not uncontroversial, the decision to introduce Eurohawk was carried by a large majority in the parliament," he says.

Source: Flight International