Goodrich is to develop a new wheel for the Space Shuttle main landing gear, the company said at the Show. The main landing gear takes the brunt of the impact of the Shuttle orbiter as it hits the runway at about 225kt (420km/h) but NASA has asked Goodrich to redesign the tyres so that they can accommodate an increased allowable landing speed of 250kt and a 17% increase in the landing weight to a maximum of 77,550kg (171,000lb) from 64,410kg. The new tyres will be delivered in 2004.

This is particularly to improve the safety margin in the event of an emergency return to Earth after a launch or mission abort when the orbiter is carrying a full payload, including cargo and consumables. Goodrich - which began working in the US space programme by providing spacesuits for the Mercury astronauts - has been supplying the tyres for all orbiters since the Enterprise prototype which was used for atmospheric approach and landing flights in 1977. NASA operates four operational orbiters: Columbia, which made the Shuttle¹s maiden spaceflight in 1981, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour. The orbiter Challenger was destroyed in an accident in 1986, which cost the lives of the seven crew.

Source: Flight Daily News