GuestLogix and digEcor have signed a contract to incorporate GuestLogix's OnTouch retail technology and merchandising platform with digEcor's digEplayer products.

The companies say the combined effort will result in a comprehensive onboard retail, communications and entertainment offering for passengers.

GuestLogix CEO Tom Douramakos says: "digEcor's purpose built personal entertainment devices provide us the ability to embed our transaction processing services and travel-relevant content with in-flight entertainment systems that can be easily and quickly deployed by any airline."

GuestLogix and digEcor say they will facilitate airlines to develop cost-effective inflight programmes through an inclusive set of offerings that includes: OnTouch merchandising, advertising, gaming, movies, TV shows, music, and device rental that produce recurring revenue streams for airlines.

OnTouch merchandising delivers ground transportation, events, attractions, catalog shopping, and more, the companies say.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news