Paul Derby/DUBAI

The UK's newly-merged future support helicopter programmes have a fresh identity. Competing manufacturers are now bidding to meet the requirements of the Support Amphibious Battlefield Rotorcraft (SABR).

The three main contenders, EH Industries, Sikorsky and Bell-Boeing all have a presence at Dubai 2000 and are pushing the EH 101, S-92 and V-22 tiltrotor respectively.

SABR combines the needs of the Royal Navy's Future Amphibious Support Helicopter programme (FASH) and the RAF's Future Support Rotorcraft (FSR). Together they represent a 40-aircraft requirement with a proposed in-service date of 2008.

The UK's tri-service Joint Helicopter Command, which was inaugurated last month, has firmed up the long-term picture for rotorcraft needs and the first invitation to tender is expected in 2001. The command puts the UK's support and attack helicopter assets under one umbrella.

RN Westland Commando Sea King HC4s are scheduled to be replaced, along with RAF Puma HC1s and Sea King Mk3 search and rescue variants.

EH Industries recognises "a big push" being made by Bell-Boeing to win the contract - a Boeing-led team has briefed MoD officials on the V-22s capabilities - but is confident that the EH 101 is better suited to the task. Meanwhile, Sikorsky has been boosted by the production go-ahead for the S-92 although it has not yet announced a launch customer.

Source: Flight Daily News